1972 – 1973 Stephen Sung
Membership: 41 – 43
The joke telling to start our meetings was carried on by Pres. Stephen. The Constitution of our Club was brought up-to-date by Pres. Stephen. He said that to find a worth while and justifiable Rotary Community Service Project in Hong Kong is not as easy as one would imagine. Although, the field of Community Service is as wide as the community itself – and Hong Kong is now a very wide and deep community and steadily broadening as it remolds its way of life to the modern world.
A challenging project which provided educational facilities for the children of the fishermen was to renovate and repair the Po Kwong Boat School. Our Club provided the funds, the 50 Command workshop of the 51st Infantry Brigade Headquarters, and the three youth groups and also the C.D.O. of Yaumati, were all involved in this project.
Sister Clubs were formed with Rotary Club of Jurong Town, Singapore.
Pres. Stephen became a Paul Harris Fellow this year.
Pres. Stephen is one of the two Charter Members of our Club. the other Charter Member is Rtn. Ronald Chu.