1977 – 1978 Thomas Hsieh
Membership: 43 – 50
Again, for the Fifth year, we won the Best Attendance Award!!! Another Award accorded to us and to be proud of was the D.G. John Yuen’s Sheild for Club Attendance Contest. This is given to any Club with the highest attendances for 5 consecutive years. We also won the Best Bulletin Award at the District Conference.
Pres. Thomas became a Paul Harris Fellow together with 4 members of our Club, namely Rtns. Ronald Yuen, Fukuo Matsumoto, Harish Wadhwani & Kent Koo.
Under Pres. Thomas, our Club participated in several Joint Project programs namely:-
– With HK Rotary Club, an autoclave equipment to the Family Planning Association
– With HK & Macau Clubs for 3 Service Projects in India
– With HK South Club for Prison Prevention Project
– With Mandaluyong Sister Club, a Blood Bank Project
Our Club donated the first Rotary Cabin in YMCA’s Wong Yi Chau Youth Camp at Sai Kung, which was committed by President Georges year and completed this year, and also made donations for various equipments to the Dutchess of Kents Children Hospital, Cheshire Home, St. Christophers Children Home, Home of Loving Kindness, Home of Loving Faithfulness and also Cannossian Mission in Macau.
The Fellowship evenings organized by Rtn. Ram at the Holiday Inn, Gaylords and the Brewery were enjoyable and well attended.