1982 – 1983 Steve Lan
Membership: 40 – 42
President Steve continued to start the regular luncheon meetings with a joke.
When Pres. Steve was the Annual Fund Raising Ball Chairman in May 1981, he worked very hard to raise funds for the various community service projects when he became in club president the following Rotary year. In his welcoming speech during this Ball, he said Tonight, we are gathered herewith a dual purpose; to strengthen the fraternity and friendliness among our enthusiastic Rotarians and their friends as well as to participate in the true Rotary spirit so that behind the sences of tonights mirth and laughter, the Rotarian spirit of service to the Community could be fulfilled through your generousity and support.
All our members were very proud to have PP Philip Lai being elected as District Governor Nominee for District 345 with PP George Chu as the incoming District Secretary.
All of us in the Club were very sorry to have lost the Best Attendance Award to the Rotary Club of Kowloon-West. Otherwise, with 10 continuous years, we could keep our PDG Uncle John Trophy permanently.