1984 – 1985 M. S. Kalra
Membership: 42
Pres. M.S. paid more attention to Community Service of our Club. He personally visited the centre at Block 2, Yau Tong Estate and he found it is a rather sad condition.
He had the support of the Club in the renovation of a reading room and study centre at Yau Tong so as to help young people solve their study programmes; to provide learning opportunities for working youth and adults; to provide space for private reading and study specially during test and examination times and to provide special (study programs for new immigrants from China for their adjustments to Hong Kong society)
To provide a Toy Library Service for the integrated disabled program in nurseries with Toys for 747 children in 4 nurseries, was most meaningful, together with many other projects for the aged and handicapped.
A plague commemorating the donations to the Salvation Army Toy Service was unveiled by our Pres. M.S. in March 1985.
Our luncheon meeting venue was moved to Royal Garden Hotel, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon. It was in this year that our Club won the Best Club Service Award.
During this year, the Rotary International, Evanston USA appointed our Rtn. Oliver Chow as Rotarian Counselor of a Rotary Foundation Awardee, William M. Campbell of South Carolina, USA. William successfully completed his studies at the Chinese University here and return to the States.