1990 – 1991 Robert Ho

Membership: 42 – 40

During the year, attendance was averaging between 60-65%. President Robert though that the attendance record had been dragged down by a few regular zero-percenters and therefore actions must be taken to improve it.
Fellowship gatherings were frequent and the President highlighted the dinner hosted by the Harilelas as a most memorable event of the year.
President Robert, being a keen scuba diver himself, acknowledged the support by VP Nick Samtani which enabled him to pursue both interests at the same time.
The annual ball had raised HK$130,000 which contributed a lot towards the Community Service Fund the ensuing year.
The Club had organized an underwater photography to promote the R.I. Theme “Preserve Plannet Earth”. We also participated in various District Community Service projects such as the T.V. Quiz and Three Planting Project.
On Vocational side, Director Eric Tomlin had organized a vocational visit to Hongkong Aircraft Engineering Co. Ltd. within the Kai Tak Airport compound. International wise, our Club had donated towards the victims of the earthquake which occurred in the Philippines in 8/90. A respirator was given to Rotary Club of Abbottabad of Pakistan in support of a WCS Project. We also contributed for a second time towards the “Paul Harris School for Disabled Children” in India and the “High Speed Sewing Training Centre” project sponsored by our Sister Club of Mandaluyong, Philippines. Active participation and promotion of a WCS Project organized by the Rotary Club of Bangkok South named “Sister Rita’s Orphanage” in Betton had received approval from R.I. for a Matching Grant. Rtn. Peter Scholz had promoted this project very extensively during his business visits overseas.
During the year, several of our members also served Rotary at District level. They were PDG Philip Lai, PDG Joseph Lee and PP Peter Lo.