Volume 00 Issue 11
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
One last reminder, there is no luncheon meeting tomorrow, but there will be an evening one.
EVENT: DG’s Annual Visit
DATE: Friday Nov. 24th
TIME: 6:30pm for dinner at 7:00pm
PLACE: The usual
I’ve spoken to many of you over the last day or so, but unfortunately we are still a bit short on numbers, (although there are several spouses attending). I call on any of you who can to attend. Its also a fine opportunity to treat some guests to an enjoyable evening and a good meal.
On other fronts, the Camp Quality trip to China last Sunday went very well indeed. Ramesh, Gilbert, Frank and myself all braved the 7:30am starting time to support this worthwhile cause.

For a report and more photos see the service section of the club website.
The call for service project ideas that I made in my last email is already bearing fruit. Community Service Brian has solicited some ideas from one of his former Professors and we hope to have a plan to propose to the Board soon. However, all ideas are still welcome.
I’ll see you tomorrow night.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill