Volume 00 Issue 12
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Greetings once again from your President. Another week has passed and we are further along into the Rotary year. Last week as you know was the DG’s Annual visit. Unfortunately, many of you were not able to attend due to travel or other commitments. I apologize again for the late schedule change of that event.However, despite the small numbers, the night went well, and I think that all in attendance would agree that it was an enjoyable evening.
For a report and more pictures, see the service section of the Club website.
Fellowship Evening ?
As you may remember, there was talk of holding a Club Fellowship Evening at the Viceroy on either the 1st or 5th of December. Unfortunately, this venue is completely booked through December, and we therefore must postpone this event. However, we will try to have some sort of get together before Christmas. If anyone has an idea for a suitable venue, please let me know.
Other Matters
You all saw the email from Stella Kan announcing the visit to the Three Schools Project site this Dec. 16-19. I am still awaiting the exact itinerary. It will no doubt be a most interesting trip.
The Camp Quality Christmas Party is set for Igor’s restaurant in Central on Sunday Dec. 10th. Several Rotarians are already planning to attend, and all of you are welcome.
Tomorrow’s Speaker
We are fortunate to have as our speaker this Friday Mr. Ho Wai Chi, Executive Director of Greenpeace. I’m sure you are all familiar with this very proactive and outspoken advocate of the environment. Rotarians everywhere are active in environmental campaigns, and Mr Ho’s talk will no doubt be quite informative.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill