Volume 00 Issue 14
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Last week we set a recent attendance record, with 24 members present. I don’t believe that we have hit that figure since the RI President’s visit. Keep up the good work.
Tomorrow is yet another important day for our Club as we will be inducting two new members, Dan Hackston, and Nigel Montague. Although most of us are quite busy with the approaching holidays, I urge all of you to attend tomorrow to witness the induction ceremony.
Camp Quality Christmas Party
The Christmas party at Igor’s was a big success last Sunday. Your President, along with Rotarians Bruce, Howard, Chris R., Gilbert and Ramesh were there to witness the festivities. Santa Chugani personally gave out the gifts which are club donated.
For a report and more pictures, see the Club web site at:
The Three Schools Trip
As announced in my email a couple of days ago, the Macau Rotarians have planned a trip to visit the Three Schools Project in Guangxi Province. Departure from Hong Kong on Tuesday the 19th at noon, and arrival back in Hong Kong at 6:30pm on the 21st. I am planning to go along on this trip, and I welcome any of you are able to join me. This really should be quite an interesting experience. Please let me know ASAP if you can come.
This Week’s Speaker
We are lucky to have back our old friend Dr. Alexander Chang from the Chinese University. Dr. Chang has spoken to our club before, and we were all impressed with his single-minded dedication to the prevention of cervical cancer. I have known Dr. Chang for some years now, and I can truly say that he is an exceptional individual.
I look forward to seeing all of you there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bil