Volume 01 Issue 02
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Welcome to the second issue of the new “Digital Sampan”. Please let me have some feedback on this, and tell me if you have any trouble viewing it on your computer.
Vocational Service:
Immediately after last Friday’s meeting, ten of us departed for the airport on a Vocational Visit to the air traffic control complex. This enjoyable excursion was ably arranged by Rtn. Brian and everything went as planned. Past President Michael has kindly prepared a detailed report of the visit.
Last Friday’s Meeting:
We may have set a record for a meeting running overtime last week, and for this I must take responsibility. It was a packed program, which started off with your President gratefully receiving a cheque from Ms. Nicole Burt, on behalf of her company, “Old Mutual Insurance”. We are pleased and honored that they have chosen to help support our work on the “Three Schools Project”.
Ms. Nicole Burt after presenting the cheque
Rotary Information:
For Rotary Information, Past President Peter handed out a 15 question quiz on Rotary facts and figures. A number of us were a bit embarrassed about how poorly we scored, and have resolved to do better in future. More Rotary knowledge can make us all better Rotarians.
Last Friday’s Speaker:
The late finish to the meeting was fully justified by the excellence of the speaker. Mr. Dominic Brittain was perhaps the most interesting and amusing speaker that our Club has had in recent memory. Despite the seriousness of his profession, he has the wit and timing of a standup comedian. We certainly appreciated his very entertaining presentation.
The Rotary Club of Kowloon North is again sponsoring a web site design training class this Saturday for our District’s Interactors. The last class was very successful, and we expect this one to be also.
Club Service:
First, a special word of thanks to Rtn. Albert for undertaking the Herculean task of cleaning out the Club filing cabinet. He bravely went into the store room alone one evening, and spent several hours sorting and organizing the various materials. Even after throwing out hundreds of unusable items, the cabinet is still quite full. But now, at least you can find what you are looking for.
On another front, we have a couple of new designs for the club banner. These have been inspired by the masthead of our historical club bulletin, “The Sampan”. I hope we may be able to reach a consensus on this sometime in the next few years.
This Friday’s Speaker:
Tomorrow we revive a Rotary tradition which we have not observed in some years: The Vocational Talk. One of our newly minted Rotarians, Dan Hackston, has agreed to give us a talk explaining exactly what it is he does. This is a good opportunity to get to know a bit more about our new member.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill