Volume 01 Issue 04
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
The week started out with a delegation of members paying a visit to our most esteemed Past President, Uncle George. PP George sends his greetings to all of our members and he was keenly interested in the progress of our Club. His loyalty to the Rotary Club of Kowloon North after all these many years, is a source of great inspiration. As Rotarians we should all strive to emulate the fine example set by our most senior and distinguished member.
Last Friday’s Speaker:
Mr. David Fung of St. James Settlement gave us a most informative talk about the programs which St. James’ conducts to benefit the elderly in our community. Mr. Fung also pointed out some areas of need, and our Club offered to investigate ways in which it could help in meeting those needs. Community Service Director Brian is coordinating this project and will formulate a definite plan soon.
Birthday boy Ramesh, one of three birthdays last week.
Community Service:
During the week, I received notice of the upcoming District Tree Planting Day, and was asked if our Club could help to arrange some participants. I made a quick call to Susan Wong of Camp Quality, who said that she would see what she could do. A couple of days later I asked her how it was going, and she said that she had about 100 so far! That was easy! I attended this event last year, and it was quite an enjoyable half-day outing. I’ll be going again, and I encourage any of you who are free to join me.
Please take a moment to have a look at the brand new web site of Camp Quality. Webmaster Andrew Stinson (son of IPP Bruce) has outdone himself again with this very professional looking web site.
International Service:
Just two days ago, PE Ramesh received the Matching Grant paperwork for the “India Tube Wells Project”, which we are undertaking with District 3260 of Orissa State in India. I will be sending these documents off tomorrow afternoon to R.I. Our Club has pledged $US 6,000 in funding for this effort. I am sure that Ramesh will keep us updated as the project progresses.
Club Service:
The Club fund raising evening scheduled for June 9th is beginning to take shape. We will be needing items to use as raffle and door prizes. Anyone who can contribute such items, please contact Rotarian Jenny.
The District Conference:
Its that time of year again. The 41st Annual District Conference is only two weeks away. This year’s affair is being billed as a “different sort of District Conference” and from the looks of the program, should be quite good. I encourage all of you, especially our newer members, to attend this event and find out a bit more about Rotary. You don’t really know Rotary in Hong Kong until you’ve been to a District Conference.
This Friday’s Speaker:
Tomorrow we are honored to have as guest speaker, Professor Philip Johnson, Chairman of the Dept. of Clinical Oncology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He will be speaking to us about this most important topic.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill