Volume 01 Issue 11
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
It is an important day for the club tomorrow as we are scheduled to induct a new member. Ms. Nicole Burt will become Rtn. Nicole tomorrow, and our Club will once again be 34 strong. Please make every effort to be on hand for this important occasion.
Our Club’s Rock ‘n Roll Fund Raising Evening is now less that one month away. Jenny and Ramesh have been hard at work organizing this affair, and its looking better and better all the time. We’ve secured a great band, excellent raffle prizes, and the venue will be well decorated according to the theme. Several members have already invited multiple guests. Its been a while since our Club has had a big evening and I’m sure that none of you will want to miss this one.
Boys’ Night:
Last Friday’s Boys’ Night was a great success. After drinks and dinner in Lan Kwai Fong we made a vocational visit to an establishment in Tsim Sha Tsui East where lively entertainment was available. Though there were ample distractions, these were of little interest to our members, whose thoughts I’m sure never strayed from the Object of Rotary and the Four Way Test.
International Service:
Let me at this point make a special appeal to any members who may be able to join Past President Steve and myself for next week’s visit to the Ama Rotary Club in Japan. PP Steve will be giving a talk called Hongkong, Past, Present, and Future. To download a copy of his speech in Word format, please click here.
One of the gifts we will be presenting to the Ama Club
I will also be making some thank you remarks for the Ama Club’s participation in the “Three Schools” Project. As I have been liaising with President Suzuki regarding the arrangements for our trip, I am seeing first hand the famous hospitality of the Ama Club. They are preparing two welcome dinners and a sightseeing excursion just for our benefit. It is not too late to decide to come. The current plan is to depart on Saturday the 19th and return on the evening of the 21st. Any members who would like to attend, please contact PP Steve or myself.
Community Service:
Community Service Director Brian paid a visit to the three elderly gentlemen that we met two weeks ago. He went to deliver thank you letters and photos, and also a small television set for Mr. Lai. If you haven’t seen it, please read Rtn. Brian’s report of our original visit. Our board of directors has approved a donation of $50,000 to St. James Settlement to further their work of making necessary improvements to the living quarters of these elderly citizens.
Last Friday’s Speaker:
Mr. Stephen Selby of Hong Kong’s Intellectual Property Department gave us a talk on “Copyright Protection in Hong Kong”. This topic turned out to be of great interest to the members, and led to a spirited question and answer session. Members vied to outdo each other in posing Zen-like questions about what would or would not constitute a violation of copyright law. “If you took a photograph of a newspaper, and then made a copy of that photo….”
Mr. Stephen Selby
In fact, the subject was so popular, that we have asked Past President Gilbert ( who is something of an expert on copyright law ) to give a special Vocational Talk on this subject at our regular meeting on the 18th of May.
This Friday’s Speaker:
This week we are happy to have none other than our own Rotarian Chris Richardson as our speaker. He will be giving his first vocational talk since joining our club. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about one of your fellow members. I have found that even though I may have known a member for some years, I never really understood exactly what their job entailed, until I heard their vocational talk. The Vocational Talk is just another of the many excellent Rotary traditions that our Club is happy to observe.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill