Volume 01 Issue 15
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
There of course is no need to remind anyone that this Saturday evening is our Rock ‘n RollFund Raising evening. The response of the members has been excellent, and I thank all of you for inviting so many guests and supporting this event in so many ways.
The attire is “smart casual” or “theme”, but please encourage your guests to dress “theme” if possible. They won’t be alone, and there is a very valuable prize which will be awarded to the best dressed guest.
Rotary Information:
I’ve been reflecting on matters Rotarian these last few weeks, and I find that the longer I spend in Rotary, the more appreciation I develop for the great wisdom of Rotary’s principles. For instance, please consider again the Object of Rotary.
Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. |
The traditions of our club; the regular weekly meetings, the guest speakers, the duties of the various club officers, etc., serve as an extraordinarily effective means of advancing the above goals. I’ve seen it work again and again. Its no wonder that this organization has enjoyed such remarkable worldwide growth over the past 96 years. Its not often that an idea works as well as this one has.
Last Meeting:
After what seems like an eternity, the new club banners are almost ready. We have gotten to the stage of having prototypes done up by the manufacturer. The design is really looking good, and we are now just making a few final refinements. (view the final design)
Displaying two prototypes of the new banner
On another matter of Club Service, I would like to remind those of you who have not submitted their personal details or photos for the club roster to please submit these ASAP so that we can finally accomplish this long delayed project. (view the list of incomplete / missing data)
Last Friday’s Speaker:
Last Friday our club experienced what was a first in recent memory, when we had a speaker who delivered a speech by reading it in Braille
Ms. Emily Chan is standing next to PDG Joseph
Ms Emily Chan of the Retinitis Pigmentosa Society gave us a very a good introduction to the work of the Society, and also told us much more about this condition which affects so many. We were heartened to observe however, that despite being visually impaired, all or our visitors seemed to be cheerful, friendly, and outgoing. We applaud the work they are doing, and we wish them success as they extend their organization into China.
The newly designed ( and Rotary sponsored) web site of the R.P. Society can be seen at the address below.
This Friday’s Speaker:
This Friday are pleased to have a true adventurer for a speaker. Mr. Christian Havrehed will be talking about the “Atlantic Rowing Challenge” Mr. Havrehed and a partner will comprise the China Entry in a rowing race across the Atlantic. Mr. Havrehed hopes to raise funds for scholarships for Mainland Chinese students by attracting sponsors for this grueling event. This should be quite an interesting talk.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill