Volume 01 Issue 17
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
There are now just two regular meetings left in the current Rotary year. Its been a good year for the club and we can all look back with satisfaction at a year of good works, fellowship and progress for the club. However, as one year ends, another begins, and Ramesh and his new team are planning to “hit the ground running” with ambitious plans for the year ahead. For your information, the new club officers are listed below.
Club Officers 2001-2002
Ramesh Chugani
President Elect:
David Lindsay
Vice President:
Nic Robinson
Chris Richardson
Albert Lam
Frank Kleinteich
Club Service:
David Lindsay
Community Service:
Howard Davies
Vocational Service:
Dan Hackston
IPP Bill Benter
International Service:
Brian Wong
PP Gary Harilela
PP Michael Harilela
PDG Joseph Lee
Rotary Information:
The RI Convention will we held next week in San Antonio, Texas. I will be attending and will prepare a report for next Friday’s meeting. For those of you who are interested, there will be a so-called “Virtual Convention” this year on the Internet. I’m not sure exactly how this works, but it might be worth signing up for just to see. This is a Rotary first.
Also from Rotary International is the results of the recent RI Council on Legislation. PDG Peter Hall hassummarized some of the important new regulations which have relavance to clubs in our district.
Last Saturday afternoon, PP Steve, PE Ramesh and myself attended the District Academy. The event began with an informative speech on higher education in Hong Kong. I had to leave immediately after the opening speech in order to attend the wedding of President Elect Mary Yao of the Rotary Club of Queensway, so I don’t know what happened after that. I will ask PP Steve or Ramesh to give a report at tomorrow’s meeting.
PE Mary Yao of Queensway
Rock ‘n Roll Report
Rotarian Howard took several great photos of our Club’s Annual Fund Raising Night. Please click here to see a selection of these photos. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely and we most grateful for the special guest performance of Mr. Rudy “Macau Elvis” Souza. The night was a financial as well as a social successl with the club netting $131,800 for its charitable fund. Thanks again to all of you who helped make this event possible.
Last Friday’s Speaker:
Last Friday we were treated to one of the most interesting and enjoyable presentations in recent memory. Mr. Dan Waters of the Royal Asiatic Society gave us an excellent slide presentation showing photos of Hong Kong from earlier this century. These photos of old Hong Kong are truly fascinating.
Mr. Dan Waters – Historian
Mr. Waters is a long time resident of Hong Kong, and he mentioned that he has lasted visited our Club in the late 1960’s. I thank Mr. Waters for taking the time to speak to us, and I hope he will not wait another 35 years before visiting us again.
This Friday’s Speaker:
Tomorrow our club is fortunate to have a very prominent speaker. Professor Michael de Golyer of the Hong Kong Baptist University, will be talking to us about the Hong Kong Transition Project. Dr. de Golyer is an influential and often quoted political scientist, and an expert on Hong Kong – China relations. He will be reporting on the findings of a long term study of the changes brought about by the 1997 Handover. Please don’t miss what should be one of the most informative luncheon speeches of the year.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill