Volume 02 Issue 02
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
This week’s Sampan will be a bit shorter than usual, as there is not much to report due to the cancellation of last week’s meeting. As you know, the District Installation which was scheduled to be held last Friday evening was also canceled due to Typhoon Utor. Our Club still has a table booked for this event, which has been rescheduled to Friday the 20th. Please confirm with President Ramesh that you will be attending.
Rotary Information
As you all know, with the start of the new Rotary year, Rotary International gets a new President, and our District gets a new District Governor.
Rick King is the new RI President, and Johnson Chu is our new District Governor. I had the opportunity to hear Rtn. Rick speak at the RI Convention, and I have gotten to know DG Johnson well over the past few months. Both these new Rotary leaders are fine gentlemen, and we should all give them our support during the upcoming year. Please click on the underlined text above to go to their respective home pages where you can find out more about them.
For a glimpse even further into the future, please visit the home page of District 3450’s District Governor-Elect, Rtn. Gloria Chan.
International Service
IPP Bill made a visit to Zhuhai last Sunday evening to attend a meeting with the Macau Rotarians and two United Front officials from Du’an County. The United Front is a Chinese Government Department which acts as a liaison between foreign aid groups and the local beneficiaries.
Far right and 3rd from the right are the two United Front officials
The officials delivered a set of bids which they received on the recent “New Schools” construction project tender. President-elect David has kindly arranged for one of his colleagues in the property business to help us in reviewing these bids. The schools project is going forward, and we are now attempting to put in place a plan for overseeing this project in a professional manner. This is quite a challenge, given the remoteness of the site and the cultural and language differences, but one way or another we will see that it is done.
On the Internet
Many of you have no doubt received faxes or letters over the years related to the famous “Nigerian Scam”. Naturally enough these entrepreneurial fellows are now using email as the principle means of making their pitch. To see an archive of the various emails that have been circulating, click here.
This Friday’s Speaker
This Friday’s Speaker will be Ms. Lynda Janas, who is the director of CRM and e-business for Dairy Farm. She will be talking to us about the science of Customer Relationship Management. This should be an educational presentation which may be of help to many of us in our businesses.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
IPP Bill