Volume 07 Issue 10
Report of Meeting, 3rd November 2006
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
Today we had Florence Suen, a guest of PP Ian, and two visiting Rotarians, Mariana Liu and Jim Lochead (President) from Scotland.
Jim Lochead exchanging flags with President Maureen
- Stride for a Cure. President Maureen reminded members to participate in this event, even if they had not registered. Appropriately, lunch will be at the boathouse – Mussels for aching muscles!
- Top Deck. This would be on the 10 th November. So far, PP Bruce has received 13 names.
- District Hep B Vaccination Project. So far, no members have expressed interest.
- Vision Screening for Special Needs Children, 25 and 26 Nov. Those interested please inform Pauline.
- Vision Screening in Guangxi, 7-10 Dec. President Maureen thanked PP Bill and MS for their generous donation to fund improvement of the houses of the LAP in Fusui, Guangxi. This trip, we will be doing vision screening, talk about the water project and visit the LAP.
- My Fair Lady. Suzie has bought the tickets, so please collect your tickets from her and pay her.
- Christmas party will be held on the 15 th Dec. Please let PP Bruce know if you (& how many) are coming.
PE Angela introduced our speaker for today, Ms Andrea Gutwirth. The topic of today’s talk was ‘SoulTalk’.
SoulTalk i s a Hong Kong Charity for all women in emotional or relationship crisis (separated, divorced, kinapping, sick children or children with disability etc). IT is a confidential help network for women of all nationalities, cultures and languages. Apart from counselling for women (also for men), it also offers shelter for women in need.
President Maureen presenting Andrea with our flag
Members generously purchasing lottery tickets from Andrea to support the 2006 Maltilda Bazaar & Sedan Chair Race Charities Fund.
President Maureen reminded members again about the Intercity dinner on Tuesday 21 st Nov, and the Horse Racing Lunch on the 16 th December.
Report of Meeting, 17 th November 2006
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
Club Assembly today. We had 2 visiting Rotarians (Rainer Jungjohann from Germany, Kirk White from Canada) and PP Tenny Leung from E-Club.
President Maureen and Rotarian Kirk from Canada
Birthday wishes to PP David Lindsay, IPP Howard and PP Bruce.
President Maureen asked if members agreed to have a ‘virtual’ birthday present. The present is an animal with the club will sponsor for the needy. This will cost each member $200 per year. All members (present) agreed to this arrangement.
- Intercity meeting 21 th Nov., 7pm, Kowloon Shangri La Hotel. Those who agreed to go were: President Maureen, PE Angela, PP Bill, PP Bruce, PP David Lindsay, PP Ian, PP Ramesh, Emba, Colman, Papu, Francis, and Pauline.
- Vision Screening in Guangxi will be from 7-10 th Dec.
- Vision Screening for Special Needs Children will be on the 25 and 26 th Nov.
- Christmas party will be on the 15 th Dec at Holiday Inn Golden Mile. Each participant is expected to bring a gift worth about $100. There will be no lunch meeting on this day.
- Horse Racing Day will be on the 16 th Dec
- Vietnam – Kids First. A trip will be organized to Vietnam to visit the Kids First Project, and to hand over the cheque for wheelchairs donated by our club. All members are welcomed to join this trip which will be on 1 st March (for a weekend).
- Guangxi Furnishing project. This project was completed and paid for. Thanks to Rotarian Colman for his help with the monetary transfer.
- Leprosy book. The Chinese version will be ready by the end of next week.
- LAP homes. Report from Habitat was that work will commence soon.
- Water tank project in Guangxi will commence in March 2007.
New Project
President Maureen has received a matching fund request from RC Margao in Goa for laparoscopy (keyhole) surgery set-up. It reduces likelihood of infections, and hospital stay and complications. The total amount is US$44,000. They are prepared to pay US$11,000 and they are asking us to pay the same amount, and RI will pay the rest.
After some deliberations, members decided to sleep on this idea for the time being.
The Charter President of our E-Club, Tenny Leung (above) then demonstrated how to make a make-up via e-club.
1. Go to the website of RC 3450 (http://www.rotary3450.org)
2. Click
- E-Club (about 2/3 down the page toward the right)
- Make-up (on the left side)
- Make-up procedures
3. Insert Name and Club and click Submit
4. Click Make-up articles (on the left)
5. Spend about 30 minutes browsing/reading etc.
6. Click Make-up request form
7. Complete the form and BEFORE you submit,
8. PRINT a copy for own club’s reference
9. Click Submit
There are indicators on the website on when you logged in and out.
A toast to RI, and the meeting closed.
Until next meeting…….