Volume 10 Issue 01
Hi Fellow Rotarians,
A new Rotary Year has just started. Last Friday, 2 July, I attended the Installation ceremony of our President Bob. PP Ramesh, PP Istvan, PP Angela, Rtn. Pauline and Rtn. Colman were also there together with guest Joyce Tse.
So PE Bob was waiting … and he was not very much in focus yet!
And the time is NOW!!
Congratulations to President Bob!!!
The next day, Saturday, 3rd July and on your behalf, I attended the Joint University Rotaract Club Installation Ceremony of PolyU Students Union, University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University.
I shared the joy and excitement of a group of enthusiastic Rotaractors. Before we are to support them, the Rotaract Club of the PolyU Students Union supported us in our fund raising ball in May already. President Curtis has also formed an idea how they could participate in and support our cause. More details later …
RCKN’s new Rotary year should not have started without this closing note: IPP Tibor, for all the tireless effort you have made, I would like to thank you on behalf of all other fellow members. Many thanks for your passionate contributions to our Club!!
Till next week or so….
Yours in Rotary,
PE Emba
Sampan Editor