Volume 14 Issue 01
Today , 2nd June , is the day when our Rotary Club of Kowloon North was chartered 50 years ago.
The theme of RI President Carl. P. Miller in 1964 was: “Meeting Rotary’s Challenge in the Space Age”.
Since then our Club has supported many needy people, not in space but here on earth, in numerous
projects in Hong Kong, China, Asia, Africa and globally.
This year’s theme of RI President Ron Burton is a perfect match for our Club in our 50th Anniversary year.
“Engange Rotary- Change Lives “. That is what all our members have done so well over all the years.
Our Meeting last Friday 30th May.
Visiting Rotaractors of Poly U;
Our guest speakers arrived with a strong force and spoke about their trip to Nepal in december/january
where they stayed in remote villages outside of Katmandu. Our Rotaractors were guided by SERVICE CIVIL
INTERNATIONAL in Nepal.They camped in basic school buildings, with limited electricity and cold showers
and very basic food.
Arts & crafts and language courses were part of their activities with school children in primary schools.
Besides that they also helped to renovate and decorate areas in the school building.
The last days of their trip they could use for some sightseing in Nepal as well. All returned safe and well
and had long lasting impressions which they took home and shared with us.
50th Anniversary Celebrations on 14th June
Preparations are on a good way and we have over 50 overses Rotrians & visitors from Taiwan, Germany
and Philippines so far. So I hope that they are not outnumbering us as the Club hosting this great event.
We still have some tickets left and I urge you all to help and invite more guests or sell
tickets to friends, so that we can raise more funds for our signature projects in PE David’s year 2014-2015.
4th Juy District Installation Party at REGENT Airport Hotel
Please sign in and join PE David that day. The start is 07.00 pm and we are 5 members so far.
Hope you all can more or less enjoy this hot and sunny weekend.
All the best
Rainer Jungjoann