Volume 01 Issue 07
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Last weekend, District 3450 held its 41st Annual District Conference. The event was a great success, and although the number of registrants was a bit down from previous years, the percentage of those registrations who stayed through until the end, was the highest in recent memory.
Our own PDG Joseph with a group of officials and Interactors
Our club was represented by PDG Joseph, President Bill, IPP Bruce, PE Ramesh and PP Jenny. Perhaps the highlight of the weekend was the Governor’s Banquet on Saturday night. It was without a doubt the most entertaining District event I have ever attended. The evening was patterned after the Oscar Awards with “Oscars” being given to Rotarians in various categories. The awards generated quite a bit of excitement, and there were several tear-filled acceptance speeches.
Our Club’s Display at the “House of Friendship”
Community Service:
Camp Quality will be conducting a day trip to Ocean Park on Saturday the 21st of April. We are expecting 60 children to attend, so along with the companions and volunteers we will have approximately 125 people. We will be departing from the Star Ferry at 9:30am and leaving the park at 4:30pm. I encourage any of you who are able to come along on this outing. (It is not necessary to stay for the entire day.) Please let me know if you would like to attend. This is another excellent chance to get to know the work of this great organization.
Last Friday’s Speaker:
A typical lunchtime scene
Ms Shirley Hung from Li Po Chun United World College gave us a heartfelt talk about her experiences at this special institution. It was obvious to all that her time at LPC had greatly widened her horizons and had given her a more international outlook. As we know, the educational philosophy of the United World Colleges has much in common with Rotarian philosophy. We should all work to make this sort of fine educational experience available to even more youngsters.
A rose between two thorns
The meeting on Friday the 13th is canceled due to it being a public holiday, and our next meeting will be held on the 20th.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill