Volume 01 Issue 08
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
The Easter Holidays have passed and there are only two and one half months left in the Rotary Year. There is much I would like to accomplish in these next two months, and we will need the active participation of all members if the Club is to achieve its goals. Below are several important announcements, please read them carefully and take action where appropriate.
Club Service:
Board Meeting: A board of directors meeting will be held this Monday evening at 6:30pm at the China Club in Central, to be followed by dinner at the same venue. Any club members who wish to attend are more than welcome ( not just board members ), just let me know so I can confirm the numbers.
Club Roster: We have received photos and personal details from most members for the “soon-to-be-published” club roster. All that is holding us up now is a few members who have not sent in the necessary materials. Please click here to see if your name is on the list of the missing.
New Club Banner: The design of the new club banner is almost finalized. I have incorporated the suggestions made by various members, and we are now down to two variations. Please click here to view these two designs. The “District 3450” now is written on the boat. The only difference is in the color of the rower’s clothing. Please let me have any last minute comments, as we plan to give final approval to the design at Monday’s board meeting.
Community Service:
Ocean Park Trip: I would like to remind all of you that Camp Quality will be making a day trip to Ocean Park this Saturday, April 21st. We will all be meeting at the Star Ferry in Central at 9:30am and taking buses to the Tai Shue Wan Entrance. We will be leaving Ocean Park at 4:30 to return to Central, but Rotarians need not stay for the entire day. Please do join us and see Camp Quality in Action.
Heavy Casualties at Camp Quality:
The scene last night at the Camp Quality Office
After several minor accidents and a few close calls on recent Camp Quality outings, Director Susan has instituted a regular Thursday night first aid course. The capable instructors from St. John’s Ambulance Corps have been instructing the CQ companions in all phases of emergency first aid.
Camp Quality companions and staff
International Service:
Foster mothers and orphans
The China Baby Formula Project is proceeding well, and we are now using the funds we have raised to provide regular shipments of formula to the orphans associated with the Holt International Adoption Program. Please click here for a report and more photos of this joint project with the Fox Lake Rotary Club.
This Friday’s Speaker:
This Friday we are back to a serious topic for our lunchtime presentation. Dr Brian Walker will be speaking to us about “Air Pollution and Health Issues”. Air Pollution has increasingly been a concern in Hong Kong, and we as Rotarians should take the lead in working towards a cleaner Hong Kong. Learning the medical facts from Dr. Walker will certainly inspire us to work more diligently towards this end.
Useful Web Site of the Week:
You can zoom in on any part of Hong Kong and locate any road or building that you choose. The resulting maps can be saved or printed.
Special Alert:
It is rumored that a certain Distinquished Past President and former member of our Club has recently arrived in Hong Kong from Holland, and might possilby be attending tomorrow’s meeting.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill