Volume 01 Issue 09
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Greetings and welcome to the lastest edition of the new digital Sampan. Its been a busy week of Rotary activity, including a Camp Quality outing and a board of directors meeting. As we move into the final phases of this Rotary year, I urge you all to make a special effort to perform some service, be it great or small, which advances the Object of Rotary.
Club Service:
Board Meeting: A board of directors meeting was held last Monday.
Among the decisions taken was a commitment to back the project for the Elderly which was proposed by St. James Settlement. It was also decided that a Boy’s Nite will be held next Friday. Details have been announced by email.
Club Roster: Please click here to see if your name is still written on the “wall of shame”. We need these last few submissions so the roster can go to the printer.
New Club Banner: Its official. It was down to two choices, and Past President Uncle George cast the deciding vote last Friday afternoon. A proof copy of the final design is available for viewing: click here.
Community Service:
Ocean Park Trip: The Camp Quality trip to Ocean Park went off without a hitch last Saturday. The club was represented by President Bill, IPP Bruce and Ann, PE Ramesh and Regina.
Please click here for a report and several photos.
International Service:
Rtn. Susan has announced that she will be joining a group of young people on a service visit to a Good Samaritan Youth Hostel in Thailand. Please click here to read a report and view some photos.
PP Steve and President Bill are the first to confirm that they will be paying a visit to our sister club in Japan on 19-21 May. The plan is to fly up on Saturday afternoon and enjoy dinner on Saturday evening followed by an outing on Sunday and the regular Luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of Ama on Monday, after which we will return to Hong Kong. Please join us if you can and experience the hospitality of our Japanese hosts.
Last Friday’s Speaker:
Last Friday we heard a very sincere and impassioned talk on the dangers of indoor air pollution. While much attention is focused on the quality of outdoor air, there is a wealth of medical evidence which suggests that the air inside public buildings may pose a far greater danger to our health. Dr. Brian Walker has made it his mission to spread the word about this health menace and to encourage those in responible positions to use their authority to help rectify this situation.
Dr Brian Walker
Dr. Walker, though not yet a member of a Rotary Club, is certainly a Rotarian in spirit as he exemplifies our motto of “Create Awareness, and Take Action”.
Rotary Web Address of the Week:
This the address for the real time daily updates from the Rotary International Council on Legislation which is now in session. Important new rules are being enacted. This is Rotary history in the making.
This Friday’s Speaker:
Tomorrow we have Ms. Brenda Wong from OXFAM who will be giving us presentation on the Trailwalker Fundraising Event which is held each year. For those of you who are not aware, Vice President David is a three time veteran of this grueling 100 kilometer walk. No doubt David will be nodding knowingly as Ms. Wong explains the rigors of this event.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill