Volume 00 Issue 21
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
For those of you who were not able to attend, I can report that last week’s meeting was indeed a memorable one. I had the distinct honor of presenting a Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Professor Patrick Yuen.

Nurse Lau, Professor Yuen and Dr. Shing
The “Big Three” in Children’s Cancer Care at Prince of Wales
The giving of such awards, in addition to being an excellent way of paying tribute to worthy individuals for their past acheivements, is also a great motivator to those whose greatest achievements still lie ahead. I will propose to the board of directors that our club resolve to make the awarding of at least one Paul Harris Fellowship an annual event.
Plans for next week’s evening fellowship meeting are coming together nicely. The boat and the venue are booked, and we already have 17 confirmed attendees. Please send in your RSVP’s ASAP. (This is an excellent occasion to bring along guests.)
Rotarian Brian has been able to arrange a visit to the Air Traffic Control Tower at the new airport. This is a major coup, as prmission for these visits is difficult to obtain.
Date: Friday March 2nd
Time: 3:30 – 5:00pm
Deadline: Feb. 21st
There is a limit of ten places available, which is now down to eight since Brian and I have each grabbed one. Please email directly to Brian at brianw@alumni.cuhk.edu.hk to reserve your place now.
International Service Director Chris and I paid a visit to Les Whittle of Holt International on Tuesday. There we were informed at length about the work of Holt in China. We worked out an arrangement for the disbursement of the funds for the Baby Formula Project, and we have made tentative plans to send a delegation to visit the Guangzhou Orphanage in the near future.

The Baby Formula is in the blue tins.
This week, Vice President David has arranged for Bob Lloyd from the Highways Department to speak to us about the department’s mega-devolopment plans for the future. Personally I think that someone is doing a darn good job in planning highway development in Hong Kong. Visits to other cities, be it Manilla, or London or New York, quickly make one appreciate how smoothly traffic runs here, especially given the dense population and limited land area. Even if you have complaints, please express them nicely, as Bob just might be a member of our club one day.
I’ll see you all tomorrow.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill