Volume 00 Issue 20
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Its going to be a big meeting tomorrow as we make Dr. Patrick Yuen a Paul Harris Fellow. Some of the medical staff from the Prince of Wales hospital will be attending and Susan Wong will bring a delegation from Camp Quality who will also be making a presentation to this remarkable individual. Using the prestige of our organization to honour worthy individuals is one of the ways in which can serve the community. Lets make this a memorable meeting.
On January the 21st our Club sponsored a web site development training course for our District’s Interactors. This event was a big success and the room was booked to capacity. Twenty seven students spent three hours learning to create web sites. This event was very good value for money, and I will propose to the board that our club continue to sponsor these events.
Sunday morning at 9:30am. What dedication!
The never ending banner design process continues. Please have a look at the latest ideas.
There are more ideas in the pipeline, and some new designs will be available soon.
Mark your calendar! The regular luncheon meeting for Feb. 16th has been changed to a dinner meeting. We will be taking a junk to Lama Island for dinner. Vice President David will announce details at tomorrow’s meeting. Also, the meeting on the 23rd will be a Joint Dinner Meeting with many of the other clubs in our District
I’ll see you all tomorrow.
Yours in Rotary,
President Bill