Volume 07 Issue 05
Report of Meeting, 15 September 2006
Today we had a visit from our District governor Tony Wong. He passed on the inspiring message from the RI president Bill Boyd.
Before lunch he went over our club plan and progress and he seemed quite impressed with what we have done so far this year. He did emphasise the need for us to get more publicity for what we have done. Who knows a tame news hound?
Report of Meeting, 22 September 2006
(Prepared by President Maureen)
Today’s speaker was Master Raymond Tung. He is an expert in Kung Fu and Wung Chun methods of self-defence. He studied under some very famous Kung fu Grand Masters including the one who trained Bruce Lee. He demonstrated his techniques with the help of his very courageous assistant who was willing to be thwarted in all his attacks on Master Raymond and even risked the demonstration of the deadly chop to the neck (which an kill in 2 secs!!!!) Also demonstrated was close range punching – very useful for the MTR. We also heard about changing our breathing pattern to help us calm down and overcome anger and stress. It can also help our singing – Gilbert was advised to listen carefully. Our guest today, Lily who is a friend of Eva, was asked to demonstrate how to act if approached by a potential rapist. But she has to learn the technique to shout much louder! For those who want to learn more, there is a seminar n October – See Hong Kong South’s website.
Today was Gilbert’s birthday – still looking good for 39 (ahem!!). He celebrated with a red one for the box!
Rotarian Pauline has returned from Guangxi and has submitted a report to board members about the trip (District Furnishing Project). Members thanked Rotarian Pauline for her prompt action.
We received a banner and thank you letter from a recent visitor from Darwin.
Night in Calcutta – Mariner’s Club 7 pm on Wed 27 th.
Until next meeting…….