Volume 07 Issue 06
Report of Meeting, 29th September 2006
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
Hey Rotarians….! This is the 2 nd time that President Maureen was the first to arrive at the meeting! What is happening eh?
President Maureen made the following announcement:
- District Ball on the 21 st Oct, to raise money for Hepatitis B vaccination in China. It was suggested that our club could subsidize a table or donate some money towards this charity event. PP Ian said he might go but he has to confirm later.
- District Golf Tournament at Mission Hill on 10 th Nov.
- Orienteering in Macau. Will be held on the 21 st Oct. to raise money for the Salvation Army. RCKN could form a team if anyone is interested.
- Nomination for someone to serve in the Nominating committee for next but two district governor.. Members discussed this and decided to nominate Silva Yeung.
- ‘Night in Calcutta’ was very successful. A total of $17,500 was raised for Crossroads. President Maureen informed members that donations were still welcomed and she hoped the total will reach $20,000. (post meeting note: 20,000 was achieved and will be donated to Crossroads at a forthcoming meeting).
On behalf of the club, PP Nic thanked President Maureen and Jorn for their hard work and effort. A round of applause for President Maureen!!!
Angela had a guest today, Dr Gary Ho, and the speaker today, Dr Wan Wai-yee, was one of Angela’s classmates. Members noted that Angela has LOTS of classmates!
Dr. Wan used to work in Red Ribbon AIDS centre but is now the executive director of HK Council on Smoking and Health . Her talk today was on ‘Stubbing out smoking in the community’ .
Dr Wan informed members that
- smoking ¾ biggest epidemic
- 2 nd hand smoker ¾ basis of the legislative review
- Consumption of tobacco – took >13,500 lives daily worldwide (greater than HIV/Aids, TB and malaria)
- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was initiated by WHO in 2005
- 169 parties signed FCTC and 139 countries have ratified the treaty. China ratified on 11/10/05
(for more information about FCTC : www.fctc.org)
Some statistics:
Proposed legislative amendments
- widely discussed ¾ media and public debate
- expansion of statutory no-smoking areas
PP Bruce, a dedicated non-smoker, thanked Dr Wan for her informative talk, and all, (or perhaps not PP Gilbert ), members looked forward to a smoke-free environment in the near future.
With a toast to RI, the meeting was closed.
(Thanks to Dr Wan for sharing her slides with our Sampan)
Until next meeting…….