Volume 07 Issue 07
Report of Meeting, 6th October 2006
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
Tibor, the acting sectary for this meeting, was gorgeously attired!
He was however warned that he will be fined if he was not judged to be projecting an appropriate image as judged by our speaker today, Priscilla from PC (not Pauline Cho!) Image Consultant Co.
Today we had one visiting Rotarian from Austria – Josef Bachler, and PP Ian brought 2 lady guests – Doris and Rosa, with connections to Singapore.
Acting Sergeant-at-Arms, PP Bruce reported a collection of $1150. Announcements today included:
- Hepatitis Ball – since no members indicated going, it was decided that our club will place a congratulatory notice in the handbook ($5000) as donation.
- Walking in Macau will be on the 21 Oct. President Maureen and Rotarian Pauline will go, but 2 more members will be needed to make a team of 4. Members are asked to volunteer and to contact President Maureen.
- Board meeting will be held in KCC on the 9 th Oct at 6.30pm. All members are welcomed to attend.
- Rotarian Suzie asked members if they would like to attend a play, My Fair Lady as she will be able to get some discounted tickets on the 9 th Nov. Members who are interested may contact Suzie.
- Calcutta Night – the amount collected was topped up to $20,000 with some late donations.
Priscilla, a certified image consultant, opened her talk with a compliment to members. All members had projected a very good image (hmm!).
At this point, Rotarian Tibor lamented that he thought he was simply dressed casually today, but was disconcerted that he attracted many a comment from members, and was actually told that he looked like an escaped prisoner!! PP Ramesh comforted (I think!) him saying that he was ‘dressed to kill’.
Anyway, Priscilla talked about body language, voice, facial expression and attitude concept. Different dress and colour can project a different image. She also commented that many men do not know how to dress themselves well. (This may be why a number of our ‘men’ members flocked round Priscilla after her talk – trying to get some tips no doubt!).
Note the absence of ‘ladies’ apart from our speaker Priscilla!
Priscilla congratulated PP Nic for being the most stylish man at the meeting today. Our most stylish man of the day was therefore appropriately asked to thank our speaker today. He was also invited by Priscilla to join her in some of her workshops about image building.
PP Nic, the most stylish man at the meeting.
President Maureen presenting Priscilla with a banner as a token of our thanks.
Poor Tibor felt left out but was cheered up here by PP Bruce, and the ‘ladies’ of the club. We did not think it was that bad. Whatever he wore, he is still one of us! So, cheer up Tibor!
With a toast to RI, the meeting ended on time.
Report of Meeting, 13 th October 2006
(prepared by President Maureen)
Friday the 13 th it may have been but no appearances from Freddy of Elm St fame or any other horrors! In fact we were pleased to see a few not so frequently seen faces around today!
Our speaker today was Roger Ferrell from Kids first Vietnam which is an organisation producing good quality wheelchairs for children disabled by effects of agent orange or by landmines left over from the seventies. They co-operate with agencies to identify and deliver the chairs to the most deserving cases.
Roger showed us the specially designed chairs and also some other items including pepper grinders which they sell to raise money for more chairs.
So, anyone wanting a spicy Christmas present – this could be your answer.
Roger invited us to visit Vietnam to see things in action and we plan to have a club visit in early March – SO MARK THOSE DIARIES!!!!
Our second visitor was Bryan Withall from Habitat for Humanity who was in Hong Kong for a flying visit down from Nanning – some R & R before back to work on building homes for the disabled and leprosy affected people. He promised to come back again in a few weeks to give a talk about their work.
Intercity meeting – Bill Boyd RI President will visit HK on 21 Novemebr. We have a table for 12 at Kowloon Shangri-La – first 12 names get a seat!
Horse racing on 16 th Dec at Shatin – we have booked a table for the Rotary Cup Race.
Meeting closed with a toast to RI !
Until next meeting…….