Volume 07 Issue 15
Report of Meeting, 26th January 2007
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
Guests at this meeting were Patricia Rogers, Van Oudgaarden Nicholas from Bergerac, France.
President Maureen reminded members about the trip to Vietnam which will be from 12-15 April.
There will be a District Assembly on the 28 th April at Shatin Jockey Club, and there are 8 free places. Members are encouraged to attend.
There was no special speaker for this day. Rotarian Pauline presented the trip to Guangxi in December 2006. The presentation can be found under Latest Club News of our website : http://www.rotary3450.org/kowloon-north/
Members raised concern about the girl who is going blind and were assured that steps are being taken to ensure that she will get her eyes examined and a cataract surgery will be arranged.
Report of Meeting, 2nd February 2007
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
President Maureen announced the sad news of PP Michael passing away. PP Michael was a devoted member for many years and will be a very sad loss to our club. His passing away was commemorated with a one- minute silence.
There were no guests or visiting Rotarians at this meeting.
President Maureen thanked Rotarian Papu for the wonderful fellowship event. Those who attended enjoyed the hospitality and the good food.
It was decided that there would be a Board meeting on the following Monday at USRC at 6.30pm
The speaker today was Gary So, Deputy CEO of MediCare Resources Ltd . He is also one of PE Angela’s long time friend who used to be an English teacher in Wah Yan College . The topic of his talk was ‘From Medical Care to Community Development- my personal experience in the past 5 months’.
Gary talked about the difficult situation he faced in China. Many villagers had curable disease or problems, but did not know where to go or what to do. General health awareness of the villagers was also very poor due to poor education. He hoped that their work would help improve education and them to understand the meaning of life.
(No camera around, and our old camera was no longer working. It was decided to ask for a camera at the next Board meeting).
Until next meeting…….