Volume 07 Issue 16
Report of Meeting, 9 th February 2007
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
Visiting Rotarian at this meeting was Veronical Dekrey of HK Harbour Club, and a guest of Rotarian Pauline, Prof. Peter Swann from Australia.
President Maureen reminded members about the District Assembly which will be held on the 28/4 and District Conference on the 23/5.
President Maureen also reminded members to submit their names to her if they wish to attend the PP Dinner on 9/3.
The speaker today was Mr Don Leung. He talked about his Jamtogether Workshop. The aim of his workshop was to allow free space for artists to perform their art work. Activities conducted at his workshop included photography, video screening and mini concert. For details, members were invited to visit his website: www.jamtogetherworkshop.com
President Maureen announced that there will not be any meeting the following week, and announced that PP Ramesh had bought a new camera for our club.
Report of Meeting, 16 th March 2007
(prepared by Rotarian Pauline)
President Maureen attended a meeting in Singapore and got a flag from Changi Club.
There were no visitors at this meeting.
President Maureen announced that so far, no members had registered for the District Assembly which would be held in Shatin on the 28/4. Some members then volunteered – PP Nic, Rotarian Suzie and Rotarian Eva.
The guest speaker today was Prof. Peter Swann from Australia. Prof. Swann is a visiting professor at the School of Optometry of PolyU, and one of his specialties is Ocular Pathology. His topic today “Some eye problems in adults”.
Prof. Swann’s message was clear ¾ eye examination is not just for spectacles but also to check ocular health. He presented cases of common problems with the retina (inner layer of the eyeball), association between some systemic disease, eg. diabetes, and the eye. He then finished with UV radiation; how sunshine can affect eye health and skin.
PP Ramesh gave a vote of thanks to Prof. Swann for this very interesting and informative talk on behalf of members. President Maureen proposed a Diabetic Testing and breakfast event later in the year.
The box collection today was HK$1800.
Until next meeting…….